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Enhance your online impact with our bespoke web development services. We specialize in creating tailor-made websites that perfectly align with your brand’s vision and goals. Our team of experienced developers and designers work collaboratively to deliver innovative, high-performance web solutions that captivate your audience and drive results.

Explore Our Systems for the finest product available

Take a deep dive into our extensive range of systems to discover the finest products available, each designed to meet your highest standards of quality and performance.

MySmartGOV is your LGU’s bridge to eReadiness success. Complete with the latest technology and a competent implementation and support team, the system modernizes the processing of government transactions, providing for a streamlined, efficient, and transparent delivery of public service.

Product Features:

  • Promotes a more efficient inter-department collaboration through informed and systemic workflow processes.
  • Provides records transparency and provisions for better decision- and policy-making.
  • Prepares all necessary documents and processes in compliance with technical standards and policies.
  • Presents more organized methods in strategic planning, record-generation, and cost-effective management of government resources.

My SmartGov is the Local Government Unit’s bridge to eReadiness success. Equipped with the latest technology and a competent implementation and support team, the system modernizes the processing of government transactions for a streamlined, efficient and transparent delivery of public service

The SmartSERVE’s applications are as follows:

  • Real Property Tax Assessment
  • Permits & Licenses
  • Business Permit
  • Tricycle Permit
  • Tricycle Franchise
  • Permits & Licenses
  • Real Property Tax Assessment
  • Accountable Forms Management
  • Pharmacy Inventory
  • Queuing System for Revenue Management

SmartFinance enables the LGU to attain good monetary housekeeping. Financial Accounting, Budget, Procurement, Inventory, and Barangay Accounting System are the components of this module. Its provision for online approval upholds faster and less paper processing.

The SmartFINANCE’s applications are as follows:

Treasure Management

  • Record Annual Budget (GF/SEF)
  • Creates Obligation Requests
  • Online Approval
  • Real-time Budget Status Query

Budget Management

  • Record Annual Budget (GF/SEF)
  • Creates Obligation Requests
  • Online Approval
  • Real-time Budget Status Query

Procurement Management

  • Creates Purchase Requests
  • Generate Canvass/Bids
  • Creates Purchase Orders
  • Generates Receiving and Inspection Report
  • Record Fixed Assets and Depreciation
  • Online Approval

Procurement Management

  • General Ledger
  • Creates Journal Entry Voucher (JEV)
  • Creates Purchase Orders
  • Subsidiary Ledgers
  • Financial Statements

SmartAdmin provides for effective maintenance of records of the LGU’s workforce. It contains the Human Resource Information System, integrated with Time and Attendance, Payroll System, Recruitment and Employee Management System.

The SmartADMIN applications are as follows:

  • Recruitment Management System
  • Employee Management System
  • Timekeeping Management System
  • Payroll Processing System
  • Employee Self-Service Portal
  • Employee Learning and Development System

SmartLead is an essential tool for the Local Chief Executive and Department Heads to support and promote informed decision-making. It is a set of real-time dashboards that gives a bird’s eye view of all the relevant data from the different modules’ outputs.

The SmartADMIN applications are as follows:

  • Appointment System
  • Citizen’s Request Monitoring System
  • Centralized Database
  • Local Chief Executive Dashboard
  • Reporting Analytics

A government-issued valid ID is necessary for residents for various reasons. Aside from faster identification, possessing an ID card can support the card-bearer in all his or her requests and/or duties that include commercial and government transactions. On the other hand, an LGU can utilize a database that contains the necessary identification details of their residents, especially in distribution of goods and donations in emergency situations like a calamity response.

Product Components:

ID Card

The ID Card consists mainly of the logo of the LGU, the photo and signature of the resident, complete name, date of birth, full address, the resident’s blood type, and a unique Quick Response (QR) code.

The Database System

The database system can be stored in the LGU’s local server or hosted in a secured cloud platform which can be queried for reports by the government’s authorized personnel. The software to be provided by GATSI includes a data gathering application that was developed in-house, with a resident master file which can generate queries and reports. The LGU can benefit from the system through the ease of access to relevant demographics and information, therefore improving the government’s means to implement services and programs.

The Billing and Collection System is a customized system designed for Utility Concessionaires and Companies needing debt management and collections. It helps monitor and follow up delinquencies and individual customer payments. Equipped with a centralized database that automates the process improving cashflow and receiving payments faster- streamlined payment providing customers payment options therefore boosts efficiency and improve customer satisfaction.

The Module for Water Billing and Collection (WBCS) includes the following but not limited to:

  • Customer Masterfile
  • Water Service Contract Entry
  • Water Consumption (Read and Bill on-site)
  • Collection Entry (Office Module or on-site using the mobile device and the portable printer)
  • Billing and Collection Reports 
  • Schedule of Accounts
  • Billing Cycle
  • Meter Reading Report
  • Disconnection Entry and Adjustments
  • Accounts Receivable Report
  • Other Customized Reports

GATSI Billing and Collection Service provider manages the overall process of billing and collection; from hand over of billing notices to data entry, collection of amortizations and remittances improving collection efficiency, reducing errors and enhancing collaboration ensuring proper and secured work-flow. A secured cloud solution equipped with a state-of-the-art GATSI collection monitoring system, validating machine and a client/beneficiary portal to track and monitor current and previous payments providing real-time data and giving convenience to the Beneficiaries.

Services offered includes:

  • Distribution of Billing Notices to Beneficiaries/Household
  • Short message service (sms) payment reminder
  • Monthly amortization payments thru selected satellite offices on project sites and online payments thru electronic Money Issuer’s (EMI’s)
  • Billing distributors and Field collectors are available on site
  • Issuance of Official Receipts and automated sms message for successful payment
  • GATSI Contact Center
  • Conducting surveys and other relevant programs to help improve collection efficiency
  • Day-to-day monitoring of collections and remittances

A Queueing Management System helps improve queueing experience. The main purpose is doing a crowd control, providing real-time arrival ratio and gives an estimated time-frame to different types of transactions, enables limited access to such areas. It thus, decreases the constituent’s waiting time and improving staff efficiency and more importantly, faster turnover of government services.

  • Number of services availed
  • Type of transaction availed
  • Number of Constituent’s in the waiting line
  • Proper dissemination of queueing numbers
  • Unified queueing system per department
  • Transaction information per Department
  • Notification to the Department
  • Queueing Monitoring
  • Queueing Ticket Dispenser
  • SMS Text Alert

SmartREACH is an innovative software designed by Green Apple Technologies & Systems, Inc., and it aims to provide intelligent solutions and streamlined process for Philippine Elections. Designed for the holistic campaign and election experience, it provides tools that would last for the entire duration of your candidacy.

Voter Database

REACH commits to a one-to-three-day conversion period of complete and accurate voter database.

Voter Tagging

REACH provides an organized, accurate and validated tagging procedure that eliminates possibility of duplicate voter tags and other data, for strategic information generation.

Projected Voters Report

Projected voters report will be readily available by province, city/municipality, barangay, precinct, coordinator, leader, and member.

Search Capabilities

REACH enhances strategic search by last name, first name, middle name, address, barangay, or precinct, all made with convenience and speed.

SMS/Text Blasting

REACH’s SMS/Text Blasting feature enables the user to get in touch with target voters through its automated all-day access communications tool in the duration of the campaign and election day.

Election Turnout Monitoring

The RFID technology and real-time assessment features of REACH help capture the voter turnout. It provides the opportunity for follow-through on voter attendance while voting period is ongoing.